Nursing and Rehabilitation of Cranial Cruciate Injury / Disease 7 Hrs CPD

Nursing and Rehabilitation of Cranial Cruciate Injury / Disease 7 Hrs CPD


The aim of this course is to help guide you in simple rehabilitation methods specifically for Cruciate disease/injury. Cruciate ruptures are one of the most common Orthopaedic conditions seen in practice.

CPD Accredited (RACE Approval Pending)

As Veterinary nurses and Vet’s, we are in the best possible position to implement rehabilitation plans.

With any injury or disease, it’s not simply about only medicating or treating that one area, there is often a greater impact on the body as a whole and as Animal Physiotherapists it’s our job to ensure that we rebalance the animal to prevent further compensatory issues arising.

This is done through pain management, strengthening and improving flexibility. We also have the best position to educate owners on diseases such as Osteoarthritis, where a multimodal approach is very much needed to achieve the best results.

The aim of this course is to help guide you in simple rehabilitation methods which you can implement straight away with your patients in practice. Specifically covering rehabilitaion for Cruciate disease/injury.

Cruciate ruptures are one of the most common Orthopaedic conditions seen in practice and there are two general treatment options, Surgical or Conservative.

With either treatment method, rehabilitation  plays a crucial part in reducing pain, improving range of motion and re-educating gait and re-gaining strength. If left untreated, Osteoarthritis can often set in and become a long-term problem for the patient.

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